

  • ESP Systems:

ESP systems are the main artery of crude oil production. As an expert for artificial lift solutions, we are a provider of powerful answers: We combine best-in-class solutions and materials to build the perfect, tailor-made system fulfilling your needs. We design, engineer, package, test and supply the complete system to pump your fluid to the surface and transfer it through your pipelines.

Our ESP systems come with a variety of specific speed designs that perfectly match your requirements in terms of pressure and production. The ESP can be installed in almost any production well regardless of depth, well inclination and operational conditions. Due to its flexible design with a large variety of technology upgrades like induction and permanent magnet motors, metallurgy and coating options, the ESP is the ideal system to choose. The ESP design will be tailored by our design software to match reservoir conditions and your specific lift and fluid requirements.
GeoTech Energy owned ESP workshop in Benghazi with full equipment, NTE’s ESP workshop is the only workshop in Benghazi and east of Libya, with our partner we designing, engineering, manufacturing, integrating and test technologies from global champions into reliable and highly efficient Artificial Lift Systems.

  • HPS Systems:

Our HPS pumps are premium solutions that elevate your productivity to new horizons. As a result of the modular design, our HPS systems are not only more reliable in their day-to-day performance but also excel with shorter delivery times than any comparable API pumping system.

  • Screw Pumps:

Whether it is a twin or triple screw pump, a multiphase pumping system or any other pumping application, our systems allow you to handle an extensive pressure and flow range for both single and multiphase fluids. High quality system components enable us to supply state-of-the-art products that assure you optimized production results in combination with outstanding life cycle results.


FlowJet pump service along with Memory Production Logging Survey (MPLT) designed for complete reservoir performance evaluation in well flowing condition for subsequent water shut off, stimulation, perforation or any other reservoir performance optimization workover. FlowJet technology is designed to lift the well during Production Logging Survey in oil producers which don’t have Y-tool or Dual string as a part of completion. MPLT logging is performed through FlowJet pump with help of special insets (logging plugs) which have provision for wireline cable or slickline.


GeoTech Energy is following the updated technologies in oil and gas which Libyan oil market need, JET SWEEP TECHNOLOGY for well cleaning which applied in some countries and given high performance to clean the well and increase the production.

JetSweep™ is patented artificial lift technology designed to lift depleted wells and hence clean wellbore from sand or scale. JetSweep™ has proven success in:

100% wellbore sand/scale cleanout (both Horizontal & Vertical wells).

Enhance well’s productivity via cleaning rock matrix & improve permeability.

o  Extend Beam Pump (B.P) well life from average of 6 months’ intervention to +2 years.

o  Consistent load on B.P for long period. i.e: Consistent oil production.

o  Reduced well intervention’s operation Time & Cost.

o  Reduced significantly well’s production deferment.


    • Reservoir Geology.
    • Reservoir Geophysics.
    • Reservoir Rock Physics.
    • Reservoir Modeling.
    • Reservoir Geomechanics.
    • Reservoir Engineering.


With our partner for production solutions provides safe, efficient, innovative solutions to maximize the flow of hydrocarbons and direct production streams.

  • Early Production Facility EPF.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery Technologies.


GeoTech Energy strength lies in its ability to provide coating system and Cathodic Protection service.

Coating Systems:

GeoTech Energy provides NDT and Coating Material, Blasting Service and Paint Application for storage tanks and pipes which require protection from corrosion, erosion and contamination. This protection is best achieved with coating systems specifically designed for the environment in which the tank is to operate and the product to be stored. GeoTech Energy offers a full range of coating systems to suit all operating conditions and products:

o  To protect the tank’s external surfaces from corrosion and erosion by the prevailing environmental conditions taking account of climate, pollution and abrasion.

o  To protect the tank’s internal surfaces from corrosion by its contents, this may well be a mixture of the product being stored and contaminants drawn in by the product.

o  To protect the stored product from contamination by selecting a coating system that is inert towards the product stored.

o  To prevent the possibility of the escape of the contents due to surface or under floor failure.

Cathodic Protection Services:

GeoTech Energy provides Consultancy service, Sacrificial Anodes, impressed Current and engineering services for cathodic protection of high pressure gas & oil pipelines, marine structures and storage facilities, underground pipelines, jetties, storage tanks, power station and process plant, steel piling and foundations.

GeoTech Energy bringing all the drill cuttings from the offshore drilling facilities to nearest seaport for collection and transfer to our facility for treatment, cleaning and proper disposing of the cuttings onshore, From construction to the transport and treatment of waste, our company has developed a complete range of specific problem-solving services and has been concentrating its experience in a complex field such as the treatment of industrial waste.

A determining choice for the company’s success has been the desire for tight collaboration with customers aimed at finding together the best solutions and obtaining the best results for the environment while minimizing costs. The present and future Company strategy consists of constant innovation and development of its activity in the fields of treatment and recycling, in order to re-utilize a large part of the waste so as to preserve the environment and protect the community.


GeoTech Energy Products will function in such a way as to minimize impact on the Environment and to minimum any complaints from by residents in the areas surrounding the production sites. If, however complaints arise GeoTech Energy will deal with them properly and in due time.

A matter of priority:

    • A system will be established such that all complaints are dealt with in the same manner.
    • All complaints will be logged.
    • All complaints will be investigated by both the Environment and Safety Manager and the Manufacturing Manager.
    • Corrective Action will be recommended.
    • The system will be audited to ensure that corrective action is completed.
    • All records of complaints will be retained for not less than 5 years.
    • An Environmental Sniff Patrol will be operated on a daily basis in order to try and anticipate times when there are difficulties in the Foam.
    • Process and then to alleviate these difficulties before they give rise to complaints. This will have the secondary purpose of confirming .
    • Complaints when they do arise.


With our partner FGS manufacture, we provide composite piping systems, fittings, and structures to the oil and gas, chemical, marine, offshore, fuel handling, and mining industries.


    • Build Software-Driven Automation Systems:

We provide our clients with a comprehensive design strategy for automating their processes based on the latest Industry 4.0 standards. Complex software functions that include web-connectivity, data analytics, distributed system management and artificial intelligence are already prepared and enabled as future plug and play modules that can be integrated in the solutions offered in order to ensure the system would benefit from new upcoming technologies that will be mature soon in the market.

    • Upgrade Existing Systems:

Upgrading your assets to add new functions and features is not a tough job anymore. We can integrate our knowledge to your current assets in order to benefit from the data generated through it or even add features that control certain part of the process using smarter and more intelligent techniques. The process of upgrading will result in a significant amount of savings in cost compared to replacement and will also reduce the risks associated with switching to different technologies.